Amplifying Human Ability

As a kid, I read an article in the Scientific American. It measured the efficiency of locomotion of various species on the planet. Bears. Chimpanzees. Raccoons. Birds. Fish. How many kilo-calories per kilometer did they spend to move? Humans were measured too. And the condor won. It was the most efficient. Humankind came in with an unimpressive showing about a third of the way down the list.

But somebody there had the brilliance to test a human riding a bicycle. We blew away the condor. Off the charts.

This really had an impact on me. Humans are tool builders. We build tools that can dramatically amplify our innate human abilities. We ran an ad for this once that the personal computer is the bicycle of the mind. I believe that with every bone in my body.

Business Design

Research, Prototyping, Development, Operation, Improvement for New Businesses, New Products, New Services

Strategic Design

Planning, Implementation, Information provision such as research and marketing research

Service Design

Support and consulting in design and technology related fields

UX / UI Design

Production, Development, Operation, and Maintenance of websites, web contents, web systems, and other services


Technology Design Co., Ltd. 

Head office: 3-32-11 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Established: May 1, 2020

CEO: Masahiro Namiki

© Technology Design Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.